
Kalibotics is a Robotics Company driven by the desire to impact social change in Africa.

Our Mission is to improve the standard of living of Africans and bring millions of people out of poverty through Robotics in Education, Agriculture, and Manufacturing.

What We Do

Our range of activities span several industries: we build Smart Robots with features such as obstacle avoidance, line following, and object detection. Robotic Arms, Smart Farming Systems and Agro-Drones.


We're creating a future where innovation knows no bounds

Our passion for pushing technological boundaries has led us to develop cutting-edge robotics projects that redefine what’s possible. Embark on a journey with us as we showcase some of our most remarkable endeavors

Autonomous Drone

The Kalibotics K-101 drone developed in partnership with AI company Sprylynx, is an obstacle detection and collision avoidance drone in development.

Self-driving Car

The Kalibotics AI mini self-driving car uses computer vision algorithms to autonomously drive around a track, follow an object and avoid objects in its path.

Robotic Arm

The Kalibotics robotic arm is an Arduino-based, easily programmable four dimensions of freedom robotic arm that can perform actions similar to the human arm.

Smart Farming System

The Kalibotics FS-1O1 is an arduino-based smart farming system transforms traditional farming into a smart, efficient, and sustainable practice. Save resources, and monitor your crops with unprecedented precision.



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